Virtual reunions are hosted by our partner, RingCentral™ Meetings. When you create your virtual reunion, we’ll automatically generate a RingCentral link for you and your class to use to join the online get-together at the time you specify. You can use a computer, phone, or tablet to join.
Virtual reunions can last up to 3 hours. Please make sure the event concludes by the scheduled end time, and everyone exits the virtual reunion so that the next event can begin.
Prior to your reunion, it’s a good idea to download RingCentral on the device you plan to use.
You can find technical requirements, links to download RingCentral, and even a helpful video tutorial on the Virtual Reunions 101 page.
To find the main reunions page:
For desktop users, click My Classmates® in the top portion of any page. (For mobile users, click , you may have to expand to make your selection). Then select My Reunions.