All members can post and view photos for free on the Classmates® site, and there are several different types of photos you can share and different ways to find them.
Now & then profile photos
Post a "now" and "then" photo at the top of My Profile,
For desktop users, click My Classmates® in the top portion of any page.
For mobile users, click . This will open the navigation menu (you may have to expand to make a selection).
- To let visitors, get a glimpse of what you look like now—and what you looked like back then!
- Profile photo albums
Post an unlimited number of albums and photos on your My Profile page under the Gallery section, with the option to add titles and descriptions. - School photo albums
School photo albums are temporarily unavailable while we work to improve the site. We apologize for this interruption, and we hope to have them back as soon as possible – we know how much our members enjoy them!
In the meantime, you can still share photos on your profile.
- Tagged photos
Tag other members (or yourself) in yearbook photos and school photo album photos. - Shared Facebook photos
Sync and share your Facebook photos via the Facebook Connect option.
All photos a member has posted or shared, plus any they're tagged in, will show in the Gallery section of their profile page.