When someone visits your profile, they can share how they remember you using the I Remember You feature. When you visit someone else's profile, you can share the qualities you remember about them as well.
To see how people remember you:
For desktop users, click My Classmates® in the top portion of any page. (For mobile users, click , you may have to expand to make your selection).
Select My remembers. Scroll down and look for the words people have used to describe how they remember you. If you have a paid membership, you'll also see names of people who remembered you. Click on the words or click See who said what to reveal the list of names that have remembered you and see the qualities they remember about you. Note that some members may have chosen qualities they remember about you, while others may have simply shared that they remember you.
To see how someone is remembered by others, visit that person's profile and scroll down to the People remember XX as section to see the words other people have used to describe the profile owner.
Note: If that section doesn't appear on a profile, other people have not yet shared their memories.