The option to send a new friend request is temporarily unavailable on the desktop version of the site while we work on updating and improving member profile pages. We plan to have this option added back as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!
If you are using the mobile version of the Classmates page, scroll down until you see Joined. You will see the option to Add as a friend under the names of the members listed in this section.
To see any of your previously added friends, click your picture in the orange bar at the top of the page, select My Profile and scroll down to the Your Friends section. Click Expand for more if needed. To accept a pending friend request, simply click Accept? below the person’s name. To decline and remove the request, click the red X.
To remove someone from your friends list, hover over the person's name and click the red X, then click Delete to confirm. The member will be taken off of your friends list, and you'll be taken off of theirs. No notification is sent to members you remove.
Friends are a public part of profiles; if you’d like to view someone else's friends list, visit their profile and scroll down to the Friends section. Note: Pending friend requests are not visible to other members.