There are several Classmates+ membership plans available, all at a special introductory 50% discount:
- 2 years for US $48 (full price $96)
- 12 months for US $30 (full price $60)
- 3 months for US $10.80 (full price $21.60)
All applicable state and local taxes will be added to the subscription fee.
To upgrade your membership, click on any Upgrade prompt as you're navigating the site. When you're signed in to your free membership, you'll also see a link to Upgrade Your Membership in the My Classmates section.
For your convenience, you may pay in any of the following ways:
Pay with your Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express, or with a debit card displaying a major credit card logo, and enjoy immediate access. We also offer PayPal and Amazon payment options. Online transactions are performed using a secure server.
Our payment phone number is 1-800-779-8689, and we're available Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time. When you call, please make sure to have your credit or debit card available. You can find this info at any time by clicking the Pay by phone option found on the online checkout page.
US Mail
To pay via check or money order, start the purchase process online by selecting the membership you'd like, then click the Pay by mail option. Follow the instructions provided to print out a payment form and mail in your payment. (If you're not able to print the form, feel free to include a handwritten note with the required information.) Please allow 7-10 days for processing. Once your paid status has been activated, you'll be notified via email.