When most members visit your profile, their visit will automatically be listed on your profile visits page.
To see your profile visitors:
For desktop users, click My Classmates® in the top portion of any page. (For mobile users, click , you may have to expand to make your selection). Select My Profile and click My Profile Visits.
If you're a free member, you can see how many visits you have. To see the names of those visitors, you'll need to upgrade to a paid Classmates+ membership. Upgraded members have full access to all view their visitors!
Note that because people can get to your profile from a number of different places (from a member list, a yearbook, an email, or a search for you or for someone with a similar name, for example) you won't necessarily recognize all names.
When you visit other people's profiles, your name will automatically be listed in their profile visitors unless you change your profile visit setting to Quiet. You can adjust your setting at any time by going to your Account Privacy page. For desktop users, click My Classmates® in the top portion of any page. (For mobile users, click , you may have to expand to make your selection).
This will open the navigation menu (you may have to expand to make a selection). Select My Account, then Privacy. When you scroll down, you'll see Visit profiles anonymously.